Teske                                                   pet dental

  • According to the American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS), 70% of cats show signs of oral disease by age three, and 85% of all adult pets have periodontal disease.


  • Bacteria from the mouth can enter the blood stream and infect the heart, kidney, liver and lungs.


  • A leading cause of bad breath in pets is a bacterial infection of the gums around the teeth.  If your pet has persistent bad breath and dental care does not improve the situation, he should be checked by your Vet for a number of serious conditions.


  • You should brush your pets teeth daily, but not with people toothpaste.


  • Plaque will first show up as yellow or brown staining where the teeth meet the gums. If you notice this, it's time for a visit to the vet.


  • If your pet's dental problems have advanced he will require a deep cleaning.  He will have to be anestisized and his teeth scraped, polished and his gums examined while he sleeps.  This is an expense and ordeal better avoided by prevention.  If it is needed then do it!  Some breeds are more prone to problems.


  • Hard food in your pet's diet can help remove plaque, but is no replacement for regular brushing.


  • In most animals, flossing is not necessary because of the open spaces between the teeth.


  • There are many products available to improve your pet’s oral health and improve his quality and length of life.

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