

Grub Control


Over the last 10 years grub control in the Quad Cities has changed dramatically.  It used to be the European Chafer Beetle laid eggs in the summer.  Then we would put Diazinon or Dylox on the yard once or twice in September.  That doesn’t work anymore.  Now we have both the European Chafer Beetle and the Japanese Beetle laying eggs that grow to be grubs.  They don’t lay them at the same time so the season is longer.  And Diazinon is off the market.  You can still use Dylox in the fall if you did not treat in summer, but it is not the best way to control grubs in your yard.


Who are these grubs? 

Here in the Quad Cities, both European Chafer Beetles and Japanese Beetles lay eggs in your lawn.  The eggs hatch out to become grubs.  They go through several transitions as they grow.  They eat the roots of your grass plants.  In winter they go deeper underground and eat less.  In spring they again rise to the surface.  They are bigger then and eat less, so it is hard to kill them with poison in the spring.  Early summer they hatch out into beetles, fly around above ground mating and start the whole egg laying cycle again.


Why do you want to get rid of them?

Grubs will kill your lawn by eating the roots of the grass plants.  It isn’t fair, but a better lawn is more likely to be attacked by grubs.  In dry years, the lawn that has been watered will see more eggs than the roadside that is near draught.  Once the eggs have hatched to grubs, many predators will tear up your lawn hunting for dinner.  Raccoons, skunks, big birds and (our favorite) the moles all love grubs.  This is often how you first know you have a problem.


When do you get rid of them?

For best results, apply grub control one time, usually in July.  In most cases one application will protect you for the whole year.  But, timing is everything.  If you apply the same chemical here in May it will not work.  If you do not apply Natural Guard Grub Control or Grub Free Zone in July then you can use Dylox in the fall and/or late spring.  However, it does not work as well and may take two applications.


How do you get rid of them?

Apply Natural Guard Grub Control or Fertilome Grub Free Zone in July.  Water in well.  Natural Guard Grub Control is a biological agent that is safe for your family and pets and friendly to the environment.  It is the most effective.  Grub Free Zone is a systemic insecticide.  These chemicals need to be watered in well to be activated so apply right before a rain or sprinkle your lawn for hours.  Thatch can make a happy home for the grubs and make it difficult for the chemicals to get through to the soil.  If you have a thatch problem you should be applying Natural Guard Top Dressing twice a year.